Pain Reliveing Tea

Total time: 10 minutes
Makes 2 servings

4 cups filtered water
1-inch piece of ginger, diced
1-inch piece of turmeric, diced
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon dried valerian
root powder
1 teaspoon white willow bark
1 teaspoon cat’s claw powder
1 teaspoon Boswellia powder
2 teaspoons cloves

1. Boil all the ingredients in a saucepan for
15 minutes or until well combined.
2. Strain the liquid as you pour it into


Pain Reliveing Tea

Total time: 10 minutes
Makes 2 servings

4 cups filtered water
1-inch piece of ginger, diced
1-inch piece of turmeric, diced
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon dried valerian
root powder
1 teaspoon white willow bark
1 teaspoon cat’s claw powder
1 teaspoon Boswellia powder
2 teaspoons cloves

1. Boil all the ingredients in a saucepan for
15 minutes or until well combined.
2. Strain the liquid as you pour it into


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