Eat and Drink Only Non-toxic Foods and Beverages—and Do a Detox, If Necessary

Oct 28, 2020

If you know or guess that your body is overloaded with toxins, a detox is a good idea. You would throw out a bucket of dirty water entirely before you began adding clean water to it, wouldn’t you?

I suggest doing a full-body detox, which includes a gut cleanse and liver cleanse, so you can lower the toxic burden in the body, give the lymphatic system a chance to restore itself, and let the gut heal so it can absorb nutrients properly. A toxic buildup can lead to anxiety, depression, and fatigue because your gut can’t properly absorb the nutrients you are giving it.

When I was sick, I underwent a major detox for three months. This was what I needed to heal my gut and restore balance throughout my body, as well as to dissolve the tumor from my neck. Some people need more or less time. I recommend working with an integrative doctor, nutritionist, or naturopath to do this. Detoxification may not be fun initially, but it is worth it ultimately; it is the best feeling to know that your body is pure. The liver, kidneys, and intestines are the organs of the elimination system that can all benefit from detoxification.

These days, I detox only once a year. For this, I use the Aloe and Colloidal Silver Protocol. You must decide which detox plan is right for you if any, and if you need to detox, please do a detox. Clean out your “murky water,” so you can add in all the good clean stuff and build yourself a nice, new body from the inside out.

If you consume something and feel concerned about toxins afterward (for example, high-mercury seafood, fast food, or alcohol), you can consume a clay drink or chlorophyll water. Bentonite clay is the ash that has accumulated from volcanoes over millions of years. It binds with heavy metals in the body and helps us to eliminate them from the body. You simply need to drink 1 teaspoon bentonite clay mixed in 2 cups water. For chlorophyll water, add one serving to a tall glass of water. Both types of water are safe enough to incorporate as part of a daily routine.

Starting immediately, you should make a commitment to eat and drink only nontoxic foods and beverages. In my new book, Anxiety-Free with Food, I list the “Top 10 Foods to Reduce Anxiety.” You will want to start incorporating as many foods from this list into your diet as possible, then observe how eating different foods makes you feel, not just at the moment, but the next hour and the next day. Increasingly, modified diets, such as this one, are being used to treat behavioral and mood disorders such as anxiety! It’s been common across all the research I’ve done that diets low in sugar and high in fatty acids are recommended. (1)

Just be sure to buy organic and non-GMO ingredients and packaged food. It is important. Fewer pesticides are used which leads to less damage done to our DNA and nervous system. The body cannot process pesticides and herbicides well; we take them in, and the body reacts to them as poisons, which often leads to oxidative stress and inflammation. Check out the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) “Dirty Dozen,” which shows the produce most likely to contain pesticide residue. 

In my new book, I also talk about “The Most Neurotoxic Foods on the Planet.” I give an explanation of which foods and types of food products to avoid. Drastically cut back on these—if not altogether eliminating them from your meals—to reduce anxiety. Foods on this list are poison that has been proven to wreak havoc on the body, causing everything from gut imbalance to nervous system damage and inflammation. These foods add stress to the body, and it’s time we let them go.

Let’s also not underestimate the importance of purified water. Unfortunately, our water systems these days are contaminated with chlorine, fluoride, and even pharmaceutical drugs that were poured down the drain. I recommend everyone have a water purifier in their home. I have a hydrogen water filter, which helps me maintain gut health. People with anxiety have less hydrogen in their guts, and we need hydrogen for optimum digestion. (2) I have found this to be the most effective water filter I have ever owned.


1:  J.G. Millichap and M.M. Yee, “The Diet Factor in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,” Pediatrics, vol. 129, no. 9 (February 2012), pp. 330–7, doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-2199.
