Is Your Perfume Slowly Destroying Your Hormones? The Hidden Dangers of Synthetic Fragrances 

Jun 13, 2024

By Liana Werner-Gray

Have you ever considered what your perfume is made from? Multiple research studies have classified synthetic chemicals used in fragrances as allergens, hormone disruptors, asthma triggers, neurotoxins, and carcinogens. These substances can cause serious health issues, from skin allergies to central nervous system disorders.

The Role of Scents in Human Behavior

Scents play a crucial role in human behavior. While a pleasant fragrance can have a calming effect, an unpleasant odor can lead to anxiety and discomfort. The use of aromatic compounds dates back thousands of years, with the earliest evidence found among ancient Egyptians, who utilized herbs, gums, and resins in their religious rites. This is when they are total natural with no petroleum devried ingredients like there are today. 

Did you know that 95% of the chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum? These include benzene derivatives, aldehydes, and many other known toxins and sensitizers capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders, and allergic reactions. This alarming fact was highlighted in a report by the Committee on Science & Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, titled "Neurotoxins: At Home and the Workplace" (Report 99-827).

Watch Out for These Harmful Ingredients:

- Phthalates

- Synthetic Musks

- Parabens

- Benzyl Benzoate

- Methoxycinnamate

- Coumarin

- Benzaldehyde: Found in many household products, it's a sensitizer and narcotic that can cause irritation and CNS depression.

- Benzyl Acetate: Linked to pancreatic cancer and respiratory irritation.

- Benzyl Alcohol: Causes upper respiratory tract irritation and CNS depression.

- Camphor: An irritant and CNS stimulant, it can cause dizziness and convulsions.

- Ethanol: Found in many products, it can cause fatigue, respiratory tract irritation, and CNS disorders.

- Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic that can cause anemia and damage to liver and kidneys.

- Limonene: Carcinogenic and an irritant and sensitizer.

- Linalool: Can cause respiratory disturbances and CNS disorders.

- a-Pinene: A sensitizer that damages the immune system.

- g-Terpinene: Causes asthma and CNS disorders.

- a-Terpineol: Can cause pneumonitis or fatal edema and other serious health effects.

The Problem with Common Fragrance Ingredients

Phthalates, aldehydes, parabens, and aluminum-based salts are significant contaminants in aromatic products. These chemicals can cause a range of side effects, including allergies, breast cancer, reproductive disorders, nervous system damage, and migraine headaches. Phthalates, for example, are used to make perfumes last longer but are listed as toxic and priority pollutants under the U.S. Clean Water Act.

Scientific evidence shows that many perfumes, even in small amounts, can cause neurological disorders in the fetuses of pregnant women. This exposure can also lead to autism when encountered during pregnancy or through breast milk after birth. The complications of using perfumes include neuropathy (depression, autism), neoplasms (breast cancer, prostate cancer), liver effects, migraine headaches, asthma attacks, mucosal symptoms (watery or red eyes, sneezing), neurological problems (dizziness, convulsions, headache, fainting, imbalance), respiratory issues (cough, shortness of breath), skin reactions (rash, urticaria, redness, tingling, dermatitis), immune system effects (swollen lymph nodes, fever, fatigue), gastrointestinal problems (nausea, bloating, diarrhea), and cardiovascular issues (rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremors, chest discomfort). 

Fragrances and Endocrine Disruption

Exposure to the chemicals in perfumes can lead to allergic reactions, skin irritation, respiratory issues, and hormonal disruption. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in fragrances can mimic, block, or interfere with the body's natural hormones, potentially leading to significant health effects. For instance, some phthalates are associated with disruptions in reproductive hormones, while parabens have been linked to disturbances in estrogen activity. Synthetic musks, commonly found in fragrances, also raise concerns about their potential to interfere with hormone function.

In one study, fragrance products emitted chemicals causing various acute toxicities in mice, including sensory irritation, pulmonary irritation, decreases in expiratory airflow velocity, and neurotoxicity, which was more severe after repeated exposure. 

Too much fragrance can not only be a turnoff but also cause migraines or allergic reactions. Some people may not have a good sense of smell or have become desensitized to their daily fragrance. Wearing excessive perfume can also be an indicator of depression.

Natural Alternatives

It's time to rethink our use of synthetic fragrances and consider healthier, natural alternatives for the sake of our health and well-being. A healthier alternative to synthetic fragrances is using natural lotions. For instance, Ecco Bella’s Vanilla Herbal Body Lotion contains natural ingredients like aloe vera, safflower oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, and vanilla extract. These ingredients are known for their moisturizing, soothing, and nourishing properties, and are free from harsh chemicals, parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.

I haven’t worn perfume for 15 years. When I had the golf-ball size tumor in my lymphatic system I learned that perfume was incredibly harmful and toxic to my lymphatic system and stopped wearing it immediately. If you are wanting to reduce your risk of cancer I would recommend not wearing it on your skin as well, especially on your neck and wrists which absorbs right into your lymphatic system and blood system. If you must wear perfume spray it on your clothes. But there is a better way, to just not wear it at all and not support the toxic industry. There are so many more natural alternatives like using essential oils, my favorite is rose oil. So I will wear a rose oil with a vanilla lotion. I’ve done this the last 15 years and I get so many comments of how lovely I smell. This is an amazing solution to still smelling lovely to apply this natural lotion to your body especially your neck and wrists. I love this one by Ecco Bella with a beautiful vanilla scent and includes aloe Vera and shea butter. 

Use my code: Liana10 for 10% off all Ecco Bella products.



- [U.S. House of Representatives Report 99-827](,many%20perfumes%2C%20deodorants%20and%20fragrances.